Tuesday 20 January 2009

More fields and trees...

.... been another lovely day here Keith has got a bug I think, hes wondering if the clot is his problem as he has pain in his leg again!! Please don't let it be! I am still getting over the last problem!


Anonymous said...

OH my!! I hope it's not the clog again either.. enough is enough and now it's time for him to enjoy his walks again.. I still can't believe how green those fields are.

BTW I think I figured out why you can post at 360 and I can't.. you're on a different time zone and probably it's not as busy when you're doing your thing.. I do know that when I'm on the computer that it drags something terrible.. so bad that I just give up trying.
I appreciate you stopping by here once in a while so I can keep up with you guys.

Grace said...

I so hate it there though, I wish my other friends would go over to the dark side lol......

RagDoll said...

Iwas looking at Bangles snuggling. I thought he was larger, but he is just a tiny little guy. So adorable laying with his Daddy.
Grace how are you doing???